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In-Character Information
Country Unaligned
Other Name(s)
Class Cleric
Gender Male
Alignment Neutral Good
Race Human
Religion Tuath Dé; Goibniu
Out-of-Character Information
Date Joined 7/2/2011 (Player Joined) 8/22/2014 (Character Started)
Affiliated with

{{#if:Human|}} {{#if:Cleric|}} {{#if:Unaligned|}}

Svartulf is a devout cleric of Goibniu, a Celtic god of Blacksmiths, Hospitality, and - most importantly, to Svartulf's way of thinking - Brewing. Svartulf claims to be well-known for his temperance, as he only drinks "when the wind is blowing, the sun is shining, or I'm thirsty." Others say he is best known for selling Potions of Cure Sobriety and 100-proof holy water.

Once, a member of the Explorer's Guild found Svartulf deep in his cups and asked him how he had come to be wandering Dargarth, spreading the word of Goibniu. According to the Explorer, Svartulf claimed to have been born in Ireland to a Dane who had joined the Norman invasion as a Knight Hospitaller and then settled there, hosting travelers and pilgrims in a caravanserai as part of his knightly duties. He had learned of Goibniu (the Explorer thinks he heard Svartulf say into his fifth tankard of mead) from traveling Irish, and found him to be quite an appropriate god for one who routinely found himself helping shoe traveler's horses while drunk. One night, after drinking a rather large quantity of rather good metheglin, he had a revelation from Goibniu - it was his holy duty to reverse the invasion that had brought his father to Ireland, and spread Goibniu's word to the mainland. He gathered up his gear, got into a boat, and set out to do just that. Then he passed out, and woke up on the western coast of Dargarth with an incredible hangover.

Since none of those places, races, or organizations exist, Svartulf's true, sober history remains unknown.

Notable Events and Achievements in Dargarth:

Fought the Undead Dragon in the Blighted Forest

Known Associates:

Seen adventuring in the company of Sir Byron.