Keepers of the Mythril Flame

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{{#if:Keepers of the Mythril Flame|Keepers of the Mythril Flame}}
Country Data
Date 6 DY (June 12, 2016)}}
Defunct 7 DY}}
Symbol Anvil superimposed upon a silver flame}}
Colors A forest green bend across a navy blue field}}
Capital (placeholder)}}
Alignment Neutral Good}}
Government Parliamentary Clericalist Monarchy}}
Racial Makeup Civilized humanoids, primarily humans and dwarves}}
OOC: Nolan (Dresden) and Joe (???)}}

Early History

Before the Flame, there was chaos. Not the enjoyable, 'pursue your own way because it feels morally just' sort of chaos, or the harmless 'bucket of water over the open door' chaos. It was a time of sickness and death. Wild packs of creatures roamed the lands, preying on those who dared wander into the constantly shifting territories of giants, goblins, and orcs. Raiding parties were frequent, and settlements that stood for more than a season rarely lived to do so a second time. It was in this time of darkness that a brave few ventured into the mountains, seeking a study home for their friends and family.

They found so much more.

Deep in the ancient crevasses, touched by man or beast, the adventurers happened upon a living flame the color of mythril, and twice as bright. It was an ancient spirit of the land, and it asked only two things of the party: "Who are you?" and "What is it you desire?". They thought long and hard about these questions, for how does one simply sum up a person's values and ethics in a single sentence? Finally they answered that they were a group of people who wished for nothing more or less than the means to help those they cared about. To give them a place they could call 'home'. And as for who they were, all they could offer was a recount of who they had been, for who they were had not yet been written.

The Flame smiled upon them and gave them the location of a place where they could set up a settlement, one which could be better defended against the villains who plagued the land. The adventures were grateful, but not selfish. They realized that the Flame needed a guard, a sentry. And so when they offered to help defend the Flame, it rewarded their selflessness.

To this day, the Keepers of the Mythril Flame have carved out a living among the formerly hostile frontier. Honing their skills and aided by the Mythril Flame itself, the artisans of the city craft mighty weapons and armor to aid their protectors, as well as art finer than has been seen in many seasons. The Flame soon took to speaking to a only a select few, those who would become members of the Circle of Fire (the governmental body of the people).

After securing their own borders, the Circle realized it would be foolish to simply endure the onslaught if attacks it faced, and decided to once more send out a party of brave adventures across the seas in the hopes that they could find allies and finally bring themselves out of seclusion. For a forgotten nation, is a dead nation....


The governing body of the Keepers of the Mythril flame is threefold. First and foremost, there is the Flame itself, though it is now mostly content to simply help the artisans craft and create new wonders.

The High Priest or High Priestess is the next ruling figure, and is technically the highest among the mortals among the city. As the name would suggest, the High Priest or High Priestess is a member of the local clerical order and is elected by the educated voting of the people. Once elected, the new monarch sits in conference with the Circle and the Flame. Should the Flame accept the new monarch and speak to them, they are sworn into office. Should the voice of the Flame not reach their ears, a new monarch is chosen. While in office, the monarch attends directly to the needs of the people, and has no direct involvement in political or military affairs (although final decisions can still be stopped by the monarch, should they see that it is not in the greater interest of the people).

The Circle is similarly elected. The final branch of the government, and technically the one with the most power, the Circle is held responsible for the safety of the people and the Flame. As such they are more directly involved with foreign affairs and policy. Most of domestic policy is voted in by the people, however, with open forums held every other week to discuss and vote in new laws (if needed) or simply to bring up larger concerns beyond the scope of the monarch.

Both the reigning monarch and the members of the Circle can be deposed at any time by a 2/3rd vote from the people or directly by the Flame itself, though the Flame has not in recent memory ever done such a thing. Plus, since the majority of the power rests with the people there has not been a recent turnover of officials, either. The country's typical policy of focusing more on crafting and trading and tending the land has left little room for personal power struggles, and political games are frowned upon by nearly every member of society.