Country Stereotypes

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In 11 DY Tristan had "A basic and totally biased rundown on countries for those interested:"

Mardur: Country of Monsters. Name totally doesn't sound like Murder. If someone offers you a mardurian handshake, politely decline. They are very good fighters and loyal to whatever they are fighting for for the most part.

Legion: Country of pirates and other rogueish individuals. They like brawling and will bribe you with baked goods. Usually fun to be around

Explorers Guild: They like exploring. Arminius is a cool guy. They might be racist against monsters.

Mercenaries of Bitterpeak: Fight for the highest bidder so if you hire them make sure its always you or else you might get a sword in the back.

Highlanders: Shiny armored lads who fight like they got nothing left. Usually can see them cavorting with Mardurians.

Erzoth: The best country ever who has done no wrong at any point. We totally didn't once resurrect an undead dinomancer and give him eternal life because he asked us nicely. Heavily armored fighters mixed with some monks and archers. They like dragons.

Briarwood: Jerrick is cool and Briarwood is cool too. They don't do much but they are fun people. They like nature and trees and stuff.

In 4 DY Rasheab summarized the countries as:

Explorers: based very loosely on the historical Explorers Society. They explore things and bring civilization in their wake. (Might be dirty imperialists.)

Briarwood: druids and other nature people, who live in a jungle. (Might be hippies.)

Mardur: monster country, for monster's rights. (Might be completely evil.)

Bitterpeak: mercenaries who live in a mountain; like islands. (Might have a worse rap than they deserve.)

Legion: mercenaries who live in a desert, and like ships (might be stick-jocks who mostly just like to hit things)

Sanctuary: peaceful folks; hates undead and slavers. (Might be sneaky. Unconfirmed.)

Endor: far away country; both in-game and out. (Might rarely be able to show up.)

Dominion: former religious people; don't know if they are now. (Might be nicest fanatics around.)

Moot: chaotic-crazy. Most reliable unreliable people ever. (Might have that backwards.)

Erzoth: really bad at being good. (Might just be confused.)